Randi Kopf is nationally recognized in health care law. Her practice handles all health care issues, including corporate, administrative, regulatory, e-health, professional rights, and insurance matters. Typical clients include general and health counsel to physicians, allied health practitioners, medical and allied health associations, and individual patients. She sees her role as your attorney to facilitate your healthcare practice as you envision it within the law.
During Ms. Kopf’s more than 30 years of professional experience, she has taught at universities including Georgetown, authored several books and multiple articles, has been a featured speaker for professional organizations, and continues to hold leadership positions in Bar and professional associations. Her credentials include University of Maryland, J.D., State University of New York, M.S., Cornell University, B.S., and formerly Board certified Family Nurse Practitioner. Randi Kopf was voted by her health law peers as one of the top 100 lawyers in Maryland and the District of Columbia for which her name is published in SuperLawyers 2007 -2010
Randi Kopf is the founding and principal attorney of Kopf HealthLaw, LLC, a general health law and e-health practice. Ms. Kopf has over 30 years of professional experience and serves as general and special health counsel for individual physicians, nurses, medical groups, national and regional medical and allied health associations and other health care related professionals and entities locally and across the country. Her practice assists clients with corporate matters such as incorporation, practice structuring, medical practice acquisition and sale, employee agreements and employment related matters, e-health practice matters (practicality, compliance, security issues, websites, virtual practice), healthcare technology contracts (EHR, eRx & vendors), managed care contracting and negotiations.
Randi Kopf provides legal advice pertaining to all aspects of the business of running a medical practice. She represents both employers and employees, individual practitioners, group practices and professional associations. Ms. Kopf provides advice to professionals first starting out in practice, those in transition, as well as, health care providers who have been in practice many years or may want to bring on new practitioners as an exit strategy. Her dedication as an advocate for physicians, nurses and those providing health care services is reflected in her client centered perspective and individualized legal advice.
Kopf HealthLaw monitors and evaluates Federal and State healthcare legislation and its impact on the health care provider. Ms. Kopf provides advice regarding regulatory and legislative matters, the new Health Care Reform legislation (the Affordable Care Act, 2010), 2013 HIPAA HITECH Amendments (Omnibus Rule), practice Compliance, Privacy and Security plans, the application of federal and state legislation, fraud and abuse issues, HIPAA, Stark, Medicare and health insurance matters. Today, a medical or health care practitioner must consider the application and compliance with these laws in their practice.
Randi Kopf has unique and extensive experience in the practice is of e-health care. This practice area involves the expanding and evolving use of the virtual practice of healthcare, technology and digital equipment in the healthcare practice. As Kopf HealthLaw, LLC has been a virtual law practice since 1994, one of the first 14 attorneys in the state of Maryland to have a website, Ms. Kopf has personal experience with computers, software and digital equipment legally and for healthcare use. Her particular health care background, general health law legal practice and virtual law practice has allowed Ms. Kopf a distinct perspective on these matters.
As the practice of health care, like law, joined the electronics communication age, the legal issues connected with the practice of medicine online and with technology in the health care setting her work with e-health matters has greatly expanded. She is a frequent speaker and consultant regarding the development and legal review of national and individual professional websites concerning the compliance with professional guidelines and state and federal law compliance.
Before establishing the Kopf HealthLaw, LLC, Ms. Kopf was an attorney in the Health Law practice group of Nixon, Hargrave, Devans & Doyle, one of the largest health law firms in the United States. She also served as a legal intern at the Office of the General Counsel at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Ms. Kopf is a nationally sought after speaker on medical legal topics concerning the potential legal liabilities and strategies to minimize risk in clinical practice and to their professional licenses, legal compliance and strategies to minimize liability. She is a website legal consultant for medical and legal professionals and organizations. Her technology experience in this area has been acknowledged with awards, invitations to speak at national and state organization meetings for doctors, nurses, health care practice managers, lawyers and allied healthcare professionals, schools of medicine, nursing, public health and State Bar Associations, as well as, national professional specialty associations including the American Health Lawyers Association.
Randi Kopf has served as Chair for the Health Law Section of the Montgomery County Bar Association, participates as members of State, County and specialty bar committees such as the Maryland State Bar Health Law Section, Special Section for Technology and the Solo and Small Group Practice Committee. She has been involved with the Chesapeake Nurse Attorneys, Inc. (Maryland, DC and Virginia) since its inception and served on the Board as Officers and is the President for 2013. Ms. Kopf served two terms as a member of the Board of Directors of The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA) as Recording Secretary and currently serves as the Treasurer and Trustee on the Board of the TAANA Foundation.
Ms. Kopf serves on the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission Peer Review Panel and participated with the Maryland Health Care Commission’s EDI/HIPAA task force that developed a nationally online accepted privacy guide tool. Ms. Kopf has provided legal support for several U.S. Congressional health care bills and advocated on behalf of physicians before the U.S. Attorney’s Health Care Fraud Task Force. Randi Kopf was voted by her health law peers as one of the top 100 lawyers in Maryland and the District of Columbia for which her name is published in SuperLawyers 2007 – 2010.
Ms. Kopf serves on the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission Peer Review Panel and participated with the Maryland Health Care Commission’s EDI/HIPAA task force that developed a nationally online accepted privacy guide tool. Ms. Kopf has provided legal support for several U.S. Congressional health care bills and advocated on behalf of physicians before the U.S. Attorney’s Health Care Fraud Task Force. She served two terms as a member of the Board of Directors and former Recording Secretary for The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA) and is a Trustee for the TAANA Foundation. Randi Kopf was voted by her health law peers as one of the top 100 lawyers in Maryland and the District of Columbia for which her name is published in SuperLawyers 2007- 2010.
She has received recognition by Who’s Who in American Medicine and Health Care, Who’s Who of American Women, Who’s Who in American Nursing and received the Cornell University Alumni Award for Outstanding Volunteerism and the National Distinguished Service Award in Nursing voted by her health law peers to be published in Super Lawyer for Maryland and DC 2007-2010. Ms. Kopf was given the Cynthia Northrop Distinguished Service Award by TAANA for her work in the development of the association’s first full website in 2004 and again in 2011, as President of Chesapeake Nurse Attorneys, Inc. accepted TAANA’s Most Outstanding Chapter Award in 2010 and the 2007, Most Outstanding Health Law, Legislation and Compliance Section Member Award.
Recognized as “America’s Most Honored Professionals”, Top 5% of American Professionals in 2014 & 2015.
Awarded the 2015 “Outstanding Advocate Award” from The American Association of Nurse Attorneys
Appointed to the Board of Directors, Quality Assurance Committee of the Charles E. Smith Life Communities, Rockville, Maryland 2014 - present
Voted President of The American Association of Nurse Attorneys Foundation 2015-16
A few of Randi Kopf’s published work includes: editor and author of the Forward for the “Business and Legal Guidebook for Nurse Practitioners”, “Before You Sign … Managed Care Contract Review for Health Care Providers” and “The Nursing Handbook of Physical Assessment”. The American Bar Association’s Health Lawyer Journal article “Antitrust Enforcement: How Medical Practices Feel the Effects” and she was a significant contributor to the PAHCOM Compliance Program Guide. Ms. Kopf has been a frequent contributor to professional journals. She was an editor and contributing author for the Journal of Nursing Law. She was on the Board of Advisors and contributor to Managed Care Contract Negotiator and Health Information Compliance Insider as well as contributing to Medicare Compliance Alert, Medical Economics, BNA E-Health Reporter and other professional publications.
Ms. Kopf has extensive teaching experience and has held instructor and faculty positions at Georgetown University, the University of Maryland and Adelphi University.
Ms. Kopf earned her BS from Cornell University, a BS and MS from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and her JD from the University of Maryland, School of Law. She was a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner for 30 years.
She is admitted to practice law in Maryland, the District of Columbia and the United States Supreme Court.
Ms. Kopf is a member of the American Bar Association, American Health Lawyers Association, Maryland and District of Columbia Bar, Montgomery County Bar Association Health law section (past Chair), and the Chesapeake Nurse Attorneys, Inc. (President 2013)