Nursing Topics
- "Maryland Medical Record Laws: Practical and Legal Applications", Lorman Education Services , May & August 2014
- "School Nurses: Is Your Nursing License at Risk?", Archdiocese of Baltimore School Nurses, March 2014
- “Not Your Mother’s EHR: What You REALLY Need to Know About EHR Medical-Legal Issues & the High Tech Act”, Antietam Professional Association of Health Care Office Managers (PAHCOM) Chapter, November 2009
- “Expanding Office Services: Expanding Legal Liability”, Association of Dermatology Administrators/ Managers (ADA/M) National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2009
- “HIPAA Privacy for OHN Case Managers”, American Association of Occupational Nurses (AAOHN), Annual Symposium, Orlando, Florida, April 2009
- “HIPAA for the Corporate Setting”, American Association of Occupational Nurses (AAOHN), Annual Symposium, Orlando, Florida, April 2009
- “Emerging Issues in Electronic Health Records for Nurses”, The Center for American Nurses Webinar, April 2009
- “The EMR in Cyberspace: Confidentiality Considerations”, Healthcare Informatics 2008 Symposium, St. Petersburg, FL
- “Legally Effective Employee Reviews and Determination of Overtime Exempt Employees”, Association of Dermatology Administrators/ Mangers National Meeting
- “The EMR in Cyberspace: Confidentiality Considerations”, Healthcare Informatics 2008 Symposium
- “Be Prepared: Is Your Nursing Practice Within the Law?”, the American Association Occupational Health Nurses’ National Meetings
- “Is Your Nursing License at Risk in the Workplace? Learn How to Protect It”, the American Association Occupational Health Nurses’ National Meetings
- “Contract Negotiation for Non-Lawyers: Protecting the Advanced Practice Nurse”, The American Nurse Attorney Association’s Annual Meeting
- “Legal Aspects of Cyber Nursing Technology in the Workplace”, Baltimore-Greater Washington Area Association Occupational Health Nurses
- “Is Your Medical Record an Asset or Liability?”, Washington Association Occupational Health Nurses
- “Cyber Nursing”, Virginia Nurses Association
- “Patient’s Rights in Maryland”, Lorman Education Services, Baltimore, MD
- “Advance Directives: Professional and Legal Implications”
- “Legal Issues Impacting Patient Registration”
- “Challenging and Difficult Decisions in Pain Management- Legal and Professional Issues”
- “Legal Issues for Nurse-Midwives and Obstetricians”
- “Managing Legal Risks for School and Community Health Nurses”
- “The Legal Role of the Hospital Medical Record and Preparing to Testify”
- “The Law for Nurse Managers”
- “Personnel Issues – Hiring and Firing”
- “Documentation for Nurses”
- “Nurses in the Legal Hot Seat–Documentation and Preparing to Testify”
- “Americans with Disabilities Act – Impact and Implementation for Physicians”
- “Practice Impact and Implications of the OSHA Blood Borne Pathogens Regulations”
- “Legal Issues of Genetic Counseling”, Incorporation of Genetics in Clinical Practice, Child Development Center, Georgetown University “The Patient Self Determination Act- Impact and Implementation”
- ” Nursing and the Law “, Professional Education Systems, Inc. (PESI)
- ” Documentation for Nurses “, Professional Education Systems, Inc. (PESI)
- ” Nurses in the Legal Hot Seat “, Professional Education Systems, Inc. (PESI)
- ” Law for those Supervising Nurses “, Professional Education Systems, Inc. (PESI)
- ” Adult Physical Assessment ” Georgetown University School of Nursing, Department of Continuing Education
- “Advanced Physical Assessment “, Georgetown University School of Nursing, Department of Continuing Education
- “Building Your Skills in Oncology Nursing “, Resources Inc.
- “Adult Physical Assessment “, Adelphi University School of Nursing and Department of Continuing Education, Garden City, New York
- “Pediatric Physical Assessment ” Adelphi University School of Nursing and Department of Continuing Education, Garden City, New York
- “Advanced Physical Assessment “, Adelphi University School of Nursing and Department of Continuing Education, Garden City, New York
- “Coping Skills for the Oncology Nurse “, Adelphi University School of Nursing and Department of Continuing Education, Garden City, New York
- “Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing “, Adelphi University School of Nursing and Department of Continuing Education, Garden City, New York