Editor and Contributor, The American Association of Nurse Attorneys’ (TAANA), 2005
Significant contribution to this easy to use Compliance Manual for the solo or small physician office practice on behalf of the Professional Association of Health Care Office Management (PAHCOM). Please contact PAHCOM for more information at 1-800-451-9311
Randi Kopf, 1996
Health law attorney, Randi Kopf, RN, MS, JD, has published a practical and informative workbook intended to make Managed Care contract decisions easier while making the healthcare provider better informed. The convenient spiral-bound guidebook organizes the important questions. The easy to read format outlines the essential terms of your contract, for example: termination, financial and professional liability risks.
One book review stated that, “Ms. Kopf has listed a number of questions that health care providers should ask in reference to contracting with managed care organizations (MCOs), and this approach is a good idea. I like the questions because they are thought provoking and will provide answers to the critical questions that every doctor should ask… The reader will have the information needed simply for peace of mind.”
Chapters written for the American Occupational Therapy Association, 1996
Health Law Section Maryland Sate Bar Association, participant author, Summer and Fall. This work won the State Bar Association’s award for Outstanding Public Service Project, 1994
Randi Kopf, Aspen Publishers, Inc., 1987