Kopf Health Law |
Area of FocusFocus

Kopf HealthLaw, LLC is a general health law practice that focuses on the laws and legal issues of health care professionals, their practices, associations and patients. Randi Kopf provides legal advice pertaining to all aspects of the business of running a medical practice. She has represented employers, employees, individuals, group practices and associations. Ms. Kopf provides advice to professionals first starting out in practice, those in transition, as well as, health care providers who have been in practice many years or may want to bring on new practitioners as an exit strategy. Her dedication as a physician, nurse, patient advocate is reflected in her client centered perspective and legal advice in your matter.

Key Benefits of working with Kopf HealthLaw, LLC

  • Depth of Expertise
  • Comprehensive approach
  • Efficient use of attorney time
  • Client centered attention